In the last article we saw one way of implementing Binary Search Trees and Red Black Trees. This data structure can be used to implement a Set (like we saw before), but there are many other use cases if we can augment the data stored on the nodes. One example is a TreeMap which is a key-value store - similar to HashMap but with log(n) time guarantee for operations. Other examples are Interval trees, dynamic order statistics etc.
How to Augment the Data
Recall that a Node
in our RBT looked like the following:
One way to augment the data is to subclass Node
and add relevant data to that class. But there is a simpler approach. Note that in the above declaration, the data stored has an abstract type T
whose only constraint is that it should be Orderable
. So we could package all the data we need in T
itself and provide appropriate ordering logic. For example, in case of a TreeMap, T
can be a pair of (K, V) so that ordering is only done on K. A generic AugmentedData
class can be written as follows:
So an AugmentedData
would have a value v
which is orderable and additional data
of some type U
Example - Drawing Trees
Let's look at an example where we augment data. Let's say we need to draw a given RBT (or BST). There are two logical steps to it:
- Identify position of each Node in the picture
- Draw the picture
We separate these two steps because drawing a picture can be done in different ways - as an image, in a terminal etc.
Step 1 - Finding positions
First we need to Augment the data stored in a Node
to include its position (x,y) as well. Then we need to find and populate the positions.
We could just use the depth of a node in the tree as its vertical position (y-coordinate). Finding a horizontal position (x-coordinate) is slightly tricky and there are many different ways to do it. We will use the simple approach of taking a node's position in the inorder traversal of the tree. By definition, node on the left comes first and will have a lower x coordinate value than its root which will be lesser than its right child etc. This is not the best approach but suffices for our discussion.
We are going to define a function which takes a RBT node and gives back an RBT node which is the root of tree with augmented data. So it will look like:
It has two additional parameters; to adjust the space between nodes: d
and start position: start
. To simplify things, we can use a helper function calcPos
which finds the position and propogates it back.
Step 2 - Drawing the Tree
Once we have the positions, drawing a tree is trivial. A natural way to represent the tree is using SVG format. Since it is xml the tree structure can be directly represented. Scala also support XML literals which makes things easier.
This produces svg images like the following:
See the complete code here.